Work Status Introduction The Work Status program facilitates interoffice communications and optimizes everyone's time by eliminating needless walking about the office in an attempt to contact an associate, deliver phone messages (or picking them up), and using sticky notes for messages. Some of the features and benefits of Work Status are: * Allows people on the network to indicate their current availability status to all other users of the network (Available, Out of Office, In Meeting, In Car, etc.). * A complete eMail system so users may send messages to each other. They can send the same message to multiple users or groups, forward messages, or reply to messages from others. * A public bulletin board allows users to post global messages for everyone else to see. * Certain users (referred to as "Receptionist") can send other network users electronic phone messages or alert them that they have a new fax. * The receptionist may also change a person's status if the person forgot to change it themselves. * The user list can also be used as a network user directory and phone number or extension list. * Indicates which network users are currently using Work Status on their work stations. * Multimedia event driven sound built in (licensed version only) Work Status Evaluation You are granted a 15 day evaluation period to try Work Status. If you use it after this evaluation period you must register it. Please see the on-line help system for details about the license agreement and the registration process. Updating from a Previous Work Status Version If you are updating from a previous version of Work Status please see the section "Updating Work Status" for special instructions. Initial Installation This program is provided in one of two forms. It is either part of the TARDIS Applications diskette or can be downloaded individually from CompuServe or other BBS systems. Diskette If the program is provided on diskette and you have used the diskette's install program, the software has already been installed and program manager icons created. You can begin using it immediately. Please see the section "Running for the first time." Download If you downloaded this file you should follow the instructions below. The program is provided as a self-extracting executable file. Just follow the instructions below to install the program on your hard drive. You MUST already have a copy of the Visual Basic 3.0 runtime DLL VBRUN300.DLL. It must be installed in your Windows \SYSTEM directory. If you do not have this file you can download it from the Microsoft Visual Basic forum on CompuServe. This file is not included with Work Status. 1.Choose a network drive on which you want to install the product. 2.Create a directory on that network drive. You may name it anything you like. It may be a subdirectory of another directory. We recommend you name it \WSTATUS. 3.If required by your network set up security so that all users (who will use Work Status) have significant rights to search, read, write, and create files in this directory and all it's subdirectories (created later). 4.Copy the Work Status self extracting executable (WSTAT.EXE) into the \WSTATUS directory. 5.Make a backup of this file to floppy diskette for safe keeping. You will delete this file from the hard drive later. 6.Change to the \WSTATUS directory. 7.Type the command WSTAT. This uncompresses the files into the current directory. 8.Delete the file WSTAT.EXE. It is no longer used. Make sure you make a backup per step 5 above. 9.Check the directory for any files with a .DLL or .VBX extension. If any files matching this description exist they should be copied to your Windows \SYSTEM directory and then deleted from the Work Status directory. 10.If you have not already, start windows on the station belonging to the Work Status Administrator. The administrator is responsible for maintaining the user and group list and increasing the user count.. 11.From the Program Manager select File and Run. Type the network drive letter, path, and the file name WSTATUSA and press enter. For example, if the \WSTATUS directory was created on G: drive, you would type G:\WSTATUS\WSTATUSA. 12.Since this is the first time you are running this program you are prompted for your Company Name, Your Name, Phone Number, and optionally your CIS ID (not password). This information is saved for future reference. The serial number is assigned and the registration reminder screen displays. (This screen will never display after you register the program). 13.Since this is the first time you are running Work Status you will receive some error messages that files do not exist or are in use by another. The files will be created automatically. You should not see these messages again. 14.The administrator's program displays. You should click on the menu options "Configure" and then "Program Manager for Admin." to set up your computer as an administrator. The program will now configure your system for Work Status as follows: A new Program Manager group is created named TARDIS Work Status and Work Status Admin. are added to this new group Work Status is added to the Startup group 15.Installation for a maximum of 5 users is complete. 16.Backup at least the WSTATUS.REG file. This file contains your encoded serial number and user count. If you damage or erase this file after you have ordered your user count, the activation key you receive will not work. This is VERY important! You should now define at least one user to the Work Status program before continuing. Please refer to the on-line help system for operational instructions. Contacting TARDIS DP Consultants Should you have any questions or comments about this TARDIS DP Consultants program you can reach us at: CompuServe ID 73337,2472 Mail Address: TARDIS DP Consultants Department 45 6 Sedley Ct. Greensboro, NC 27455 Remember, you are granted a 15 day evaluation period to try Work Status. If you use it after this evaluation period you must register it. Please see the on-line help system for details about the license agreement and the registration process. Updating Work Status Simply copy the files included in the self extracting file into the network Work Status directory. You DO want to overwrite any existing files. If the update was sent to you on diskette you should use the install program to install the files automatically. See the README.TXT file that comes on the diskette. When updating to version 2.2 * Work Status 2.2 switched from Visual Basic 2.0 to version 3.0. This requires a change from using VBRUN200.DLL to using VBRUN300.DLL. The runtime files must be installed on each work station which will run Work Status. If you received the update on diskette the runtime files are installed for you automatically. * Since VBRUN200.DLL is no longer required you can delete it from the network Work Status directory. Do NOT delete this file from the Windows System directory (if they exist there) as other programs on the computer may depend on it. * Work Status 2.2 changed security and the structure of the WSTATUS.REG file. If you get the message "Invalid Registration File" when you start Work Status simply delete the WSTATUS.REG file. IMPORTANT: If you have registered and increased your user count this will reverse that process. Please contact TARDIS DP Consultants immediately and a new registration file will be modemed to you ASAP. We are doing everything we can to avoid this situation. We should not need to modify the security file in the future. * Before you run Work Status again you should run the administration program (WSTATUSA.EXE) so that the new Group file can be created. Failure to perform this step will cause error messages when Work Status starts. * You should manually delete the WSTATUS.INI file from the Windows directory of all work stations. It is no longer used. The WSTATUS.EXE and WSTATUSA.EXE programs MUST exist and be run from the same network directory that contains the data files. When Updating to Version 2.3 The structure of the Users file has changed slightly. With of the addition of the Sound flag and phone forwarding capabilities to each user record the system may not function properly if this value is not cleared before accessing user information. After you install the update you should access the administrators program. Click on the menu option "Reset" and then click options "Sound Flag" and " Forward Phone". This resets all sound flags and phone forwarding information for every user. You should then indicate in the user detail information which users have sound support. A bug in version 2.2 may have made random users a receptionist. We suggest that you reset the receptionist flag (Reset -> Reception) and then manually indicate the reception status for the desired users.